he Templars were led by a Grand Master; his deputy was the Seneschal. Next came the Marshal, who was responsible for individual commanders, horses, arms, equipment, and ordering supplies. He usually carried the standard, or specifically directed a specially-appointed standard-bearer. The Commander of the Kingdom of Jerusalem was the treasurer and shared a certain authority with the Grand Master, balancing his power; other cities also had Commanders with specific regional responsibilities. The Draper issued clothes and bed linen and monitored the brothers' appearance to keep them "living simply."Other ranks formed to supplement the above, depending on the region.
The bulk of the fighting force was made up of knights and sergeants. Knights were the most prestigious; they wore the white mantle and red cross, carried knightly weapons, rode horses and had the services of a squire. They usually came from the nobility. Sergeants filled other roles as well as engaging in battle, such as blacksmith or mason. There were also squires, who were originally hired out but later allowed to join the order; they performed the essential job of caring for the horses.
"The Templars Money"
Though individual members took vows of poverty, and their personal possessions were limited to the essentials, the order itself received donations of money, land and other valuables from the pious and the grateful. The Templar organization grew very wealthy.
In addition, the military strength of the Templars made it possible to collect, store, and transport bullion to and from Europe and the Holy Land with a measure of safety. Kings, noblemen, and pilgrims used the organization as a kind of bank. The concepts of safe deposit and travelers' checks originated in these activities.
Does this Symbol look Familiar?
You will see other symbols along your journey that will stand out to you in a strange way. Yes this symbol came from the one above and is directly related to the Knights Templar. People today wear this symbol with no regard to what it means and stands for and where it came from. Hitler also gave this symbol as medal out to his SS soldiers for bravery. It was a very honored award for the SS.
What Were the Templars Doing on Temple Mount?
Mystery and intrigue has never been far removed from Templar history and perhaps one of the biggest mysteries was what happened to them in the first eight or nine years after their formation? What were they doing on the Temple Mount before they returned to Europe in 1128?
It is now argued by some historians that their real plan was in fact to search for treasure and holy relics beneath the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
A possible clue came to light after archaeological excavations under the Temple Mount, by a British archaeological team in 1867. They discovered a series of vertical tunnels ascending to the site of the Al Aqsa Mosque then spreading out to the Dome of the Rock.
When the site was re-examined at the end of the 19th century by the British Army’s Royal Engineers they found Templar artifacts scattered throughout the tunnels.
Although nothing large was discovered, items that included spurs and pieces of Templar armament were found. Writer and historian, Dr Tim Wallace-Murphy believes it was sufficient to indicate a Templar presence.
Spirituality & Solomon
Temple of Solomon
What were they looking for? The Knights Templar has long been connected with the search for holy and sacred relics. A letter written in 1187 from a surviving Crusader claimed the Templar had found a piece of the “true cross” and early Masonic record linked them with the Ark of the Covenant and other treasures like the books of Magic believed to be buried in ruins of the Temple of Solomon. Secret chambers have been found under the throne of Solomon and passage ways between the dome and mosque.
Although there are many competing theories on the subject, a strong body of opinion believes the Templar were looking for precious relics, objects that the Church would have been desperate to possess or perhaps suppress.
The Tablet of King Solomons' stone was discovered in July 2001 in Israel. This archeological marvel appeared to solve one of the Bible's greatest riddles, and indicated the reality of the existence of the Temple of Solomon. The mystery that was hidden within the stone was to shake the archeological world from it's foundations!
The story starts with the appearance of a certain Obi Zaktsu and the revealing of a mysterious black stone with an inscription on it. The inscription on the stone revealed what seems to be proof of a wonder; That nearly 3000 years ago in Jerusalem, the Temple of Solomon really existed. The temple of Solomon was built to house the Ark of the Covenant, which contained the tablets with the ten commandments.
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